
Single-Use Monopolar Instruments

5mm Instrumentation

Cost Effective

Ergonomic Handles

Smooth Rotation

Locamed single-use monopolar metzenbaum (metz) scissor, tip only

Metzenbaum Scissor

Code: LM701

Description: Scissor Monopolar 5mm / 33cm - (3/4")    Metzenbaum

Unit of Order: 10 Units per Box

Code: LM702

Description: Scissor Monopolar 5mm / 33cm - (1/2")    Metzenbaum 

Unit of Order: 10 Units per Box

Metzenbaum Scissor

Laparoscopic scissors can also be known as curved scissors, Epix endo scissors, metzenbaum scissor, lap scissor or endoshears.

The curved scissor design is the most popular but others such as hooked, mini and straight tip are also commonly used. 

Although the metzenbaum is the most common, LocaMed can provide alternative scissor tip designs.

Locamed single-use monopolar maryland dissector, tip only

Maryland Dissector

Code: LM705

Description: Forceps dissecting Maryland 5mm/33cm (non-ratchet)

Unit of Order: 10 Units per Box

Maryland Dissector

This can be known as curved dissector, petelin or endodissect. This product is non-ratcheted.

Locamed single-use monopolar fenestrated grasper, tip only

Fenestrated Grasper

Code: LM711

Description:Forceps Grasper Fenestrated double action 5mm/33cm non-ratchet (short)

Unit of Order: 10 Units per Box

Code: LM711R

Description: Forceps Grasper Fenestrated double action 5mm/33cm with ratchet (short)

Unit of Order: 10 Units per Box

Code: LM711R2

Description: Forceps Grasper Johan forceps with 22mm clip-short (with on/off ratchet control)

Unit of Order: 10 Units per Box

Fenestrated Grasper

This can also be known as a duckbill grasper.

Locamed single-use monopolar endo-clinch grasper, tip only

Endo Clinch

Code: LM712

Description: Forceps Grasper Clinch 5mm/33cm with ratchet

Unit of Order: 10 Units per Box

Code: LM712R2

Description: Forceps Grasper Clinch 5mm/33cm with on/off ratchet control

Unit of Order: 10 Units per Box

Endo Clinch

These can also be known as atraumatic grasper, lap clinch, endoclinch or toothed grasper. 

The product is usually ratcheted.

Locamed single-use monopolar babcock atraumatic grasper, tip only

Babcock Atraumatic Grasper

Code: LM715

Description: Forceps Grasper Babcock 5mm/33cm (with ratchet)

Unit of Order: 10 Units per Box

Babcock Atraumatic Grasper

This can be known as babcock or endobabcock and is usually ratcheted.

Locamed single-use monopolar rat tooth grasper, tip only

Rat-Toothed Grasper

Code: LM716

Description: Forceps Grasper Rat tooth 5mm/33cm (with ratchet)

Unit of Order: 10 Units per Box

Rat-Toothed Grasper

This can be known as traumatic grasper, toothed grasper, toothed grabber, crocodile toothed grabber. 

This is usually ratcheted.

Order Info

Product Code Description Unit of Order
LM701 Monopolar Metzenbaum Scissor 5mm, 330mm Box of 10
LM702 Monopolar Metzenbaum Short Blade Scissor 5mm, 330mm Box of 10
LM705 Monopolar Maryland Dissector 5mm, 330mm Box of 10
LM711 Monopolar Fenestrated Grasper, Double Action, Non-Ratchet 5mm, 330mm Box of 10
LM711R Monopolar Fenestrated Grasper, Double Action, Ratchet 5mm, 330mm Box of 10
LM711R2 Monopolar Fenestrated Grasper, Double Action, ON/OFF Ratchet 5mm, 330mm Box of 10
LM712 Monopolar Endo Clinch, Double Action, Ratchet 5mm, 330mm Box of 10
LM712R2 Monopolar Endo Clinch, Double Action, ON/OFF Ratchet 5mm, 330mm Box of 10
LM715 Monopolar Babcock, Double Action, Ratchet 5mm, 330mm Box of 10
LM716 Monopolar Rat Toothed Grasper, Ratchet 5mm, 330mm Box of 10
LM718 Monopolar Grasper, Non-Ratchet 5mm, 330mm Box of 10
LM720 Monopolar Johan Grasper, Non-Ratchet 5mm, 330mm Box of 10
LM720R2 Monopolar Johan Grasper, ON/OFF Ratchet 5mm, 330mm Box of 10

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